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Research Data Management Process

Research Data Management is a process consisting of several stages and each stage consists of different management practices or procedures that the researcher needs to carry out to ensure that the  data is well managed. These stages are namely: data collection, data processing, data analysis, data preservation, data sharing and data reuse. 


The first step in the process is  the collection or creating of research data. A researcher may decide to collect new research data through observation, experiment or measurement or use existing research by collecting and organizing existing third party research data.  Data collection should be carried out systematically and consistently throughout the research project. Data collection guidelines and methodologies assist researchers in collecting data. Examples of guidelines are Codeblocks and Protocols. Guidelines  and methods ensure that data is collected according to specific methodological steps. this ensures the validity and reliability of the data. At this stage the data is in its raw formats and requires processing. 


Processing involves transforming raw research data into formats which are suitable for the purpose of the research project. For example converting research data in print documents into digital formats.Also during this stage research data is checked, validated and recorded in appropriate formats. processing data including thinking about how the data will be analyzed and stored later in the research cycle. When research data is organised and processed, it it easier to analyse. 


Research data analysis is a systematic process of describing  and evaluating research data. Research data is described by applying either statistical or logical techniques to the data.  Research data is analyzed and interpreted in order yield research findings. Research findings are used for author publications to report on the results of the research. Analyzing research data ensures data accuracy. Once research data is analyzed, interpreted and published, research need to think of ways of storing and preserving the data. 


Preservation involves making decision about the storage of the data for long-term use. The researcher has to decide how and where will the research data be stored and how long will the data be stored for, what tools or software is required for the preservation of the data.  Data is commonly stored in data repositories of institutional repositories. Metadata is created and attached to the data so that it may be accessed, discovered and shared.  



This is the second last stage of the process. At this stage the researcher considers how the research data is going to distributed and shared with other researchers or users in the scientific research community. A researcher may deposit data in open access repositories to make their research data available through open access.In making the research publicly available, Making the research publicly available  promotes the reuse of the data.


The researcher needs to establish how the research data may be used. This can be done by establishing copyrights to control the access and use of the research data.  Copyrights assist researchers to protect their research data. Even though the research is available for public use, however it still remains the intellectual work of the research who published the data. Data reuse concerns checking if research findings are valid by scrutinizing the research finding and checking them against the research data. It also includes reviewing of research. Data reuse can lead to new ways of using data, collaborations and new findings. 

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