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Data Management Plan


A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a formal document which describes how research data will be managed during and after the lifetime of research project. Research Data Management Plans are available in many different forms but have the same goal. The goal of the plan is to identify the type of data to be collected or created, how will this data be handled, described, analysed and stored, preserved and shared in the future.  


Several research funder's require Data Management Plans from researchers. Data Management Plans helps research funder;s to see how the research project will unfold. Researcher funders have policies which provide specific guidelines on how a Data Management Plan should look. These guidelines assist researchers in meeting the research funders requirements.  


Data Management Plan Tools

Data Management Plan Tools, commonly known as DMPTools assist in writing  Data Management Plans. DMPTools are online-based and consist of Data Management Plan templates which address research funder's requirements. These tools provide general guidelines and questions that researchers need to consider when writing Data Management Plans 


Data Management Plans describe the many elements of a research management such as;


  • the type of research data to be collected, created or the reuse of existing data 

  • data management practices which will be used for the research project  

  • assigning roles and responsibilities 

  • identifying required resources

  • calculating research costs which will be incurred

  • ownership of research data

  • policies which apply to how the data is managed (these include research funder's polices or institutional policies)  

  • how the data will be preserved and shared for reuse. 

  • highlighting potential problem and etc.




See examples of Data Management Plans 

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